Master Builders have been representing excellence in building in New Zealand for over 100 years. To become a Registered Master Builder applicants must demonstrate that they meet stringent criteria in: building experience, trade and professional qualifications, practical management experience, workmanship (previous clients have been contacted to ensure their work is of a high standard and has satisfied their expectations) and financial responsibility (written references have been provided from their bank, accountant and building material suppliers). You can build with confidence knowing that we have met the quality assessment demanded from New Zealand’s best known industry standard.
As a registered Master Builder we can offer clients the security of a Master Builders Guarantee. Master Builders are the oldest and largest provider of guarantees in New Zealand. They offer the most comprehensive building guarantees available, including cover for defects in materials, structural defects, rot and fungal decay (leaky building).
James is a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) with class level two. This means that James is qualified to oversee a wider range of building work. He has the expertise and working knowledge to liaise with everyone in the building process from client to architect and subcontractors. A great asset to have in any building project.
Bennie Builders are registered with the Hazard Co Health and Safety Plan. They are engaged for each project to produce a site specific health and safety plan. This ensures that hazards unique to each site are identified and managed to minimise, isolate or eliminate. Bennie Builders have a site specific hazard board on each site and an induction sheet that every person entering the site is required to complete. We hold monthly Toolbox meetings with all our carpentry contractors and employees. Bennie Builders has never been subject to any compliance or enforcement action by Worksafe NZ.
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